Sunday, November 13, 2011

1 of 11 luckiest person talk

nothing to say about you my friend but i feel like i owe you so much . i have no words about first love . when there has someone i miss i will contact them and make a long chat . im not dare to dream a very beautiful girl with prettiest face but as long she want a serious relationship thats enough .what people don't know about me is i had one major problem that always happen that i forget what i had said to myself . to be hypocrite will doesn't bring a good solution but might be give big problem , better speak the truth . in my birthday i always hope to discovered a new life and make a new chapter in my life to do anything to be a wiser and strong person . i am confidence in something i have done but easy to lose it if someone judge me . there has many problem in life but i like to picked a random problem and discovered a few different ways of solve it . sometime i fail sometime complete . i want arabic style in my wedding theme that decorated with goldish colours , haha . nothing much i hope 11 years from now but i wish i could be the person that can make my parents proud of me that is more than enough . me , ariff .